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Mayors Climate Protection Agreement

January (Sustainability Planning)
Inventory global warming emissions in City operations and in the community, set reduction targets and create an action plan.
Alternative Energy

February (Sustainable Cities)
Make energy efficiency a priority through building code improvements, retrofitting city facilities with energy efficient lighting and urging employees to conserve energy and save money.
Green Banking (EBanking)

March (Sustainable Forests and Agriculture)
Maintain healthy urban forests; promote tree planting to increase shading and to absorb CO2.
Organic and Healthy Restaurants
Health Food Stores

April (Climate Awareness)
Adopt and enforce land-use policies that reduce sprawl, preserve open space, and create compact, walkable urban communities.
Bicycle Shop
Green Architecture
Heating and Cooling

May (Renewable Energy)
Increase the use of clean, alternative energy by, for example, investing in “green tags”, advocating for the development of renewable energy resources, recovering landfill methane for energy production, and supporting the use of waste to energy technology.
Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Geothermal)
Alternative Medicine (Chiropractic)
Organic Salon and Spa

June (Solar Energy)
Promote transportation options such as bicycle trails, commute trip reduction programs, incentives for car pooling and public transit.
Tree Care

July (Energy Independence, Green Transportation)
Increase the average fuel efficiency of municipal fleet vehicles; reduce the number of vehicles; launch an employee education program including anti-idling messages; convert diesel vehicles to bio-diesel.

August (Water Quality and Conservation)
Evaluate opportunities to increase pump efficiency in water and wastewater systems; recover wastewater treatment methane for energy production.
Healthy Water and Air
Rain Barrels
Rain Garden
Green House Cleaning
Green Carpet Cleaning
Green Painting
Green Car Wash

September (Green Building)
Practice and promote sustainable building practices using the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED program or a similar system.
Green Building
Green Hotel or Lodging
Permeable Paving

October (Sustainable Education)
Help educate the public, schools, other jurisdictions, professional associations, business and industry about reducing global warming pollution.
Green Schools

November (Environmental Stewardship)
Increase recycling rates in City operations and in the community.
Green Dry Cleaning

December (Green Giving)
Purchase only Energy Star equipment and appliances for City use.
Green Business