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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

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“The Green Megatrends Quilt project was a good opportunity to recognize the great work that is being done in our community.”
Catherine Hurley, Sustainability Coordinator, Evanston, Illinois

“I have good news that it looks like Nicor Gas will contribute $300.”
Dave Gorman PE, Asst. Director of Public Works, Lombard, Illinois

“I’m impressed with the research you have done to reflect our green initiatives in Burlingame.”
Terry Nagel, Burlingame City Council (Former Mayor)

“We highly recommend the Skokie Green Exhibition.”
Howard Meyer, Executive Director, Skokie Chamber of Commerce

“The Greater Kirkland Chamber of Commerce promotes sustainable business, building, service and products as part of our Sustainable September initiative. The Kirkland Green Exhibition is in sync with our objectives in these efforts.”
Bruce Wynn, Executive Director, Greater Kirkland Chamber of Commerce